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Dispatch a notification

notification example


function alertYes() {

title: 'Your title',
message: 'Your message',
variant: 'success',
appearance: 'notification',
growl: true,
actions: [
label: 'Yes',
method: alertYes
label: 'No',
method: () => {
label: 'Cancel',
route: '',
disabled: false,


titletrueDefines a notification's title.
messagetrueDefines a notification's main expression or message to the user.
variantfalseinfoDefines the notification type. Available variant types are success, info, warning and error.
appearancefalsenotificationChanges the style of a notification. Use system for technical notifications thrown by the application. Otherwise keep the default value notification.
growlfalsetrueDisplays a notification that is overlaying any module. Use false to display the notification in the notification center (bell symbol) only.
actionsfalse[]Adds clickable buttons to the notification. Each button with a label can trigger a method or open a route (internal route or external link). Buttons can also be disabled using the attribute disabled.

Return value:

Returns a promise without data.